Favia Pallida Moon coral red eye

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Size: Frag1"-2" approx 5-6 heads
Sale price£20.00
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Favia Pallida Moon coral red eye


Favia Pallida Moon coral is a genus of reef-building LPS coral in the family Faviidae. Members of the genus are massive or thickly encrusting colonial corals, either dome-shaped or flat, and a few are foliaceous. There is a great diversity of form even among individuals of the same species. These corals are also known as moon, brain, pineapple and creater coral. Benefits from bast feeding at night when it opens up.

Difficulty: Easy

Lighting: Low to Medium

Flow: Medium

Feeding: Relies on zooxanthellae and plankton.

Aggressiveness: semi-aggresive no sweepers

Supplements: Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine,

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